Data or job file corrupted or causing lock ups

3 Apr 2006

A data or job file can become corrupted due to any number of reasons. Some reasons include loss of power to the Field PC while the file is open or being edited in a software program, a significant static shock, drop, or impact to the Field PC causing the system to lock up or reset, a bug in a particular software program, or an error in the Windows Mobile or Windows CE operating system. In any case, corrupted files need to be fixed or deleted to prevent further difficulty in Field PC operation.

Scan Disk

To clean up data or job file corruption on the Field PC, you will need to install a scan disk or format utility such as CNetX Flash Format, which can be obtained from the following website:

Note: The "PDA Platform" version that is compatible with the Allegro Field PC is "Handheld PC 2000" or "HPC". If the standard install utility does not work for installing Flash Format to the Allegro Field PC, remove the software from the Allegro, copy the "F4.H2KARM.CAB" file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\CNetX\Flash Format folder on the desktop PC to a location on the Allegro, and then double-tap on the file to install. Once Flash Format is installed on the Field PC, you will find a new icon under Start > Settings and/or Control Panel named Flash Format.

To use Flash Format to scan for file corruption on the internal flash memory or an inserted memory card, tap on the Advanced tab in Flash Format, and then the "Verify and Repair" button. On the Allegro Field PC, you may need to drag the window over to see the entire button.

Once all data corruption has been repaired, it is recommended that you open My Computer or File Explorer on the Field PC, open the drive or folder containing the once corrupted files, and delete any unnecessary job or data files or files with names that do not appear to be correct. You may just want to remove the entire data or program folder to prevent any further difficulties and then re-install the software program from the desktop PC.


Set Factory Defaults

If removing the data and program does not help, you can try setting the Field PC to factory default settings following the instructions at:

Format Flash Memory

If Flash Format is unable to repair some data, job, or program files, then you may need to format the internal flash memory or inserted card following the instructions on our "Flash Memory Maintenance" FAQ webpage.