Getting Started with Uinta

12 Dec 2023

This page offers training topics to help you get started with Uinta. For more detailed information and additional training materials, refer to the Uinta User Manual

Quick Start

This video gives a start to finish overview including Uinta licensing and license management, sharing with others, capturing field data, and exporting data.


Planning Uinta Data Collection Projects

This video provides an overview of major steps to plan a successful office and field data collection project using Uinta. For more detailed information, see the topics below.


Uinta 2.0 Migration

This video demonstrates how to upgrade from previous versions of Uinta to Uinta 2.0.

For additional training topics, refer to Redeem Purchase, Set Up Account, and Assign License(s) for Uinta 2.0 and Install Uinta and set up field computer(s)

Updates reviewed & Approved: TB 20July2022
Original article from 12 Jul 2021