Firmware & Operating System Updates for Mesa Pro

9 Jan 2025

To get the best performance from your Mesa Pro tablet, keep it up to date with the latest embedded controller (EC), BIOS (UEFI), and operating system (OS). To review the changes in this release, refer to the Mesa Pro release notes. Update the EC, BIOS, and OS in the order detailed below.

Tip: After you install OS patch 24072, keep your Mesa Pro tablet up to date from the Update screen in the Device Settings app.

Step 1: Update the EC and BIOS

To update the EC and BIOS, 

  1. Connect the Mesa Pro to external power.
  2. Close any open files or programs.
  3. Back up all critical data.
  4. Download the latest EC and BIOS files to the Mesa Pro.
 Model   BIOS   EC 
 Mesa Pro
(Juniper Systems brand specific) 
  1. Run the embedded controller updater (.exe file) and follow the on-screen prompts.
  2. Run the BIOS updater (.exe file) and follow the on-screen prompts.
  3. After you finish updating the EC and BIOS, open the Device Settings app and check the embedded controller version.

Step 2: Install the OS Patch

To install the OS Patch,

  1. Run Windows Update for your operating system (Microsoft Windows 11 Pro or IoT Enterprise 64-bit).
  2. Download and run the OS patch.
 Model   OS Patch 
 Mesa Pro   Mesa-Pro-OS-Patch-24345.exe 

Note: Additional information for creating your own OS image is available in Drivers Package for the Mesa Pro and Mesa 4.


Special Commands for EC, BIOS, and OS

If needed, the EC, BIOS, and OS updaters support a few command line arguments, as explained below.

BIOS Updater

 -passive Runs silent, skips the user interaction (and warnings!).
 -noreboot Do not automatically reboot the device after the firmware has been programmed.


EC Updater

 -ec Reprogram the firmware even if it is already running the same or newer version.
 -noreboot Do not automatically reboot the device after the firmware has been programmed.
 -nobuttons Do not require user to press buttons to continue the update process.


OS Updater

 -passive Runs silent, skips the user interaction (and warnings).
 -osinstall Only for if using patch as drivers package installer instead.