Geode Antenna Specifications

6 Jul 2022

GNS1 and GNS2 


Additional details about the GNS3 Antenna can be found in Geode GNS3M National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Antenna Calibration Info (ANTCAL)


Feet to L1 Phase Center

Meters to L1 Phase Center

Geode GNS1 & GNS2

.098 ft

0.03 m

Geode GNS3

.115 ft

0.035 m

Geode GNS1 & GNS2 with Brass Adapter

.164 ft

0.05 m

Geode GNS3 with Brass Adapter

.180 ft

0.055 m

Geode GNS1/GNS2 with Brass Adapter and SECO 76mm quick release and 24mm quick release pole adapter

.492 ft

0.15 m

Geode GNS1/GNS2 with Brass Adapter and SECO 76mm quick release and 24mm quick release pole adapter

.509 ft

0.155 m

Geode GNS1 & GNS2 with Brass Adapter on 2 meter pole

6.725 ft

2.05 m

Geode GNS3 with Brass Adapter on 2 meter pole

6.742 ft

2.055 m

Geode GNS1/GNS2 with Brass Adapter and SECO 76mm quick release and 24mm quick release pole adapter on 2 meter pole

7.054 ft

2.15 m

Geode GNS1/GNS2 with Brass Adapter and SECO 76mm quick release and 24mm quick release pole adapter on 2 meter pole

7.070 ft

2.155 m