Geode GNS3M National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Antenna Calibration Info (ANTCAL)

19 Oct 2023

The Geode GNS3 has been submitted and completed testing at the NGS Antenna Calibration test site. 

The calibration is complete and has been uploaded to the NGS webpage under JUN - Juniper Systems, Inc.

To view the results, from 

  1. Choose Browse Antenna Information by Company Brand and Model 

The Juniper Systems Inc information displays. The antenna code is JUNGEODEGNS3M. The calibration information can be accessed through the ANTEX and ANTINFO links and is listed in the antenna databases.

Geode GNS3M
Antenna L1 phase center offset 55.9 mm
Antenna L2 phase center offset 46.3 mm
Antenna reference point Receiver case bottom
Brand code JUN (Juniper Systems,  Inc.)
Antenna code JUNGEODEGNS3M
Radome code None
Antenna reference point (ARP) Bottom of antenna mount (BAM)
North reference point Man-machine interface (MMI)


Review Pending: John