Terminal (TTY) software for the Field PC
11 Nov 2008
Note: This information is provided as a reference and does not imply that Juniper Systems will provide full support for the use of any specific third-party device or software with a Juniper Systems product.
Terminal (or TTY) software applications can be used on the Field PC to perform communications (I/O) testing through RS-232 serial cable, modem, Bluetooth, USB (if configured properly), and many other connection methods.
Some terminal software for use on Juniper Systems Field PCs include:
- Cambridge Computer vxHPC (Windows Mobile and Windows CE)
- DeJaVu Software PockeTTY (Windows Mobile)
- PocketPuTTY (Windows Mobile; open source)
- MobileVT (Windows Mobile)
- Windows CE Terminal (Windows CE; included in OS)
- PTerm (DOS; included in HarvestMaster software, FileScout)
For information on how to use terminal applications for testing the RS-232 serial port on a Field PC, please refer to our Serial port will not communicate FAQ webpage.
For information on how to directly input ASCII data (such as from a barcode scanner) directly into a text field (such as an Excel Mobile spreadsheet cell) through a terminal "wedge" application, please refer to our Wedge software for the Field PC FAQ webpage.