Mock Location Extras

11 Feb 2025

When Geode Connect is set up as the Mock Location provider, you can use the Android Location Manager to request updates from the GPS provider and receive the location data from the Geode GNSS receiver. The Extras bundle associated with each location contains additional metadata. You can access the metadata by using the following field names as keys.

Field Name Field Type Description
age, diffAge, diffcorrectionage Float Age of Differential GPS data (in seconds)
battery Integer The percentage of charge in the battery (0-100)
geoidalSeparation, undulation Float Geoidal separation (in meters)
geoidModel String The name of the Geoid model that was used
hdop, HDOP, Hdop Float Horizontal dilution of precision
hrms, HRMS, 2drms Float Horizontal root mean square (in meters)
mockProvider String The name of the application that is providing the Mock Location. Geode Connect will always output GeodeConnect.
mslHeight Float Mean sea level height (in meters)
ohgt Float Orthometric height (in meters)
pdop, PDOP, Pdop Float Position dilution of precision
positionSource String

Category of the position source. Possible values:

  • Unknown (0)
  • User (1)
  • System Location (2)
  • External Device (3)
  • Network Device (4)
  • File (5)

Geode Connect will always output the value "External Device (3)."

receiverModel String GNSS receiver model name, for example, Geode 310446
satellites, satellitesInUse, satellitesCount, usedsatellites Integer Number of satellites in use.
satellitesAzm Integer array Array of azimuth angles for satellites in view (in degrees). Array length is defined by satellitesView. Values are in the same order as their IDs in satellitesId.
satellitesElv, satellitesElev Integer array Array of elevation angles for satellites in view (in degrees). Array length is defined by satellitesView. Values are in the same order as the IDs in satellitesId.
satellitesId Integer array Array of IDs for satellites in view. Array length is defined by satellitesView.
satellitesSnr Integer array Array of signal-to-noise ratio for satellites in view. Array length is defined by satellitesView. Values are in the same order as their IDs in satellitesId.
satellitesType Integer array Array of GNSS System IDs for satellites in view. Array length is defined by satellitesView. Values are in the same order as their IDs in satellitesId.
satellitesUse Boolean array Array of flags indicating if a satellite has been used in the position computation. Array length is defined by satellitesView. Values are in the same order as their IDs in satellitesId.
satellitesView, totalSatInView, trackedsatellites Integer Number of satellites in view
stationId, diffId, diffIDrefstation Integer Differential reference station ID
status, diffStatus, postype Integer

Type of position fix:

  • 1=Autonomous
  • 2=DGPS
  • 3=Differentially corrected position
  • 4=RTK fixed or PPP solution converged
  • 5=RTK float or PPP solution converging
utcTime Float UTC Time (format:
vdop, VDOP, Vdop Float Vertical dilution of precision
vrms, VRMS Float Vertical root mean square (in meters)


Additional Information

Reviewed & Approved: CB, JF, 10FEB2025