Uinta - Search, Sort, and Filter Data

3 Sep 2021

Note: All of the methods for searching, sorting, and filtering can be done in the map view and the list view.

Quick Search

  1. Open your Uinta project.

  2. Tap the Search icon in the top right corner.

  3. Start typing what you want to find in your project. The project will automatically begin to filter the records presented on the map.

    • You can search and find field values as well as record names.

Note: If your data is filtered when you export, only the visible data will be exported. 

  1. Your search can be reset quickly by tapping on the Search icon again.


Filter Layers

  1. Open your Uinta project.

  2. Tap the Layers icon in the top right corner.

  3. Use the checkboxes next to the record types to make them visible or not.

Note: A gray bar across the top of the map will indicate if a filter is being applied. You can tap the X next to the filter to clear it quickly.

  1. If you select the down arrow next to the record types, you can create a more advanced filter by selecting specific points or fields for those points.
    • The advanced filter option allows you to filter a field based on the value entered in that specific field. 

Note: In the list view, there is also an option to filter with a date range.


Sort the List View 

  1. Open your Uinta Project.

  2. Enter the list view.

  3. Tap the Sort icon in the top right corner.

  4. You can choose to sort your records by Name, Date Updated, Date Created, and the Record Date (this is helpful if users have backdated records) in ascending or descending order.