Uinta - Import Options

12 Dec 2023

Note: All data can be edited after it has been imported into Uinta.

Import CSV Files

CSV files are a great way to import point record types, but will not work to import spatial record types. To import a CSV file you will need to map the columns from your file to the fields in your Uinta project.

  1. Create a custom record type.

    1. In your project, tap the orange plus button.

    2. Tap the pencil icon, in the left corner

    3. Tap New Record Type.

    4. Create fields in your record that match the columns in your CSV file.

  2. Verify your CSV file is formatted correctly.

    • Extra spaces or incorrect information in a column can cause an error during import.

    • Extra tabs in your file will not be imported.

  3. Save and close your CSV file.

  4. Open your project.

  5. Select the layers icon in the top right corner.

  6. Tap Import Layer.

  7. Choose Records.

  8. Find and open your CSV file.

  9. Choose the custom record type you created in step 1.

  10. Match the Uinta field names (in the Field Names column) to the CSV column names (in the Mappings column).

    • If you need to add more than one CSV column per field name, use the plus option to the right.

    • If your CSV column name is the same as the Uinta field name, the Mapping column will populate automatically.

  11. Tap the green check to begin the import.

Your CSV file records will then be added to your Uinta project map.


Import Google Earth KML/KMZ Files

  1. Open your Uinta project and select the layers icon in the top right corner.

  2. Tap Import Layer.

  3. Select Records.

  4. Find and open your Google Earth file.

Data will be imported immediately and it will be visible in both the map view and the list view.

The imported data will retain the structure of the data in Google Earth. You can see this by tapping the orange plus button or tapping on the layers icon.


Import Shapefiles

  1. Open your Uinta project and select the layers icon in the top right corner.

  2. Tap Import Layer.

  3. Select Records.

  4. Find and open your .shp file.

Note: Depending on the size of your data, it may take a while to import.

  1. Once the import has been successful, toggle to the List View and then back to the Map View to see the spatial data on your map.