Uinta - Add a Point to the Map

29 Jul 2021


Add a Point Automatically

  1. Tap on your project to launch the Map View.

  2. Select the satellite icon in the top right corner to verify your GPS is connected.

  3. If desired, use the circle icon on the left of the screen to zoom to your position.

  4. Tap the orange plus.

  5. On the Select Record Type screen, select Point.

    • When you select Point your latitude and longitude will be captured automatically. If needed, you can change the location of the point later using the Move or Update options.

  1. Enter any necessary data about the point (fill out the Name and Description fields, attach a document, or take a picture). The location, date, and time of the point will be filled in automatically.

  1. Tap Save.


Add a Point with a Mouse

  1. Click on your project to launch the Map View.

  2. Select the satellite icon in the top right corner to verify your GPS is disconnected.

  3. Click the orange plus.

  4. On the Select Record Type screen, select Point.

  5. On the left side of the map, verify the Mouse icon is selected.

  1. Click on the map where you want your point to be.

  2. Select Finish.

  3. Enter any necessary data about the point (fill out the Name and Description fields, attach a document, or take a picture). The location, date, and time of the point will be filled in automatically.

  4. Click Save.


Add a Point with Target Function

  1. Tap on your project to launch the Map View.

  2. Select the satellite icon in the top right corner to verify your GPS is disconnected.

  3. Tap the orange plus.

  4. On the Select Record Type screen, select Point.

  5. On the left side of the map, verify the Target icon is selected.

  1. You can use your finger or mouse to move the target around on the map and place it where you would like your point to be.

  2. Tap Finish.

  3. Enter any necessary data about the point (fill out the Name and Description fields, attach a document, or take a picture). The location, date, and time of the point will be filled in automatically.

  4. Click Save.


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