Geode Connect 2.3.6 for Android

20 Mar 2024

Geode Connect is a software utility for configuring and testing the Geode receiver. Please review the release notes for details on new features and fixes provided by the latest version. Please review the Geode user manual for instructions such as on how to use Geode Connect for Android as a "mock location provider" and/or as an NTRIP client for third-party data collection apps.

For most Android devices, this app can be initially installed or updated from the Google Play Store at the following link.

For devices that may not provide access to an app store, such as the Archer 3 and Allegro 3, you can enable installation from "unknown sources" then download and run the following install file.

The version 2.2.0 and newer installation files and methods above are for Android 6 and newer devices only. For older operating system versions (back to Android 4), such as Android 5.1 AOSP for Mesa 2, you may need to use the following install file instead. On the Mesa 2 Android, the file below will install separate from the older built-in version, so you must run this version (orange G icon) and ignore the old version which will remain with a different graphic icon.
