Bluetooth CDMA cellphone connection

15 Feb 2008

Note: This information is provided as a reference and does not imply that Juniper Systems will provide full support for or warranty the use of any specific third-party device, accessory, or software with a Juniper Systems product.

Please refer to the Verizon cell phone connection FAQ webpage for additional information.

  1. Enable Bluetooth discoverability ("Show Bluetooth Device" instead of "Hide") on the cell phone.
  2. On the Field PC tap on Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth icon > Devices tab > Add new device.
  3. When asked to enter a password (pin or passkey) to connect to the phone, type any number (such as "4"), select "Yes" on the cell phone to accept the new device connection, and then confirm the password ("4") when it appears on the cell phone.
  4. On the Field PC, check only the "Dialup Networking" Bluetooth service for the phone and then tap Save or Finish.
  5. Tap OK to close the Bluetooth Settings screen on the Field PC.
  6. Setup a new modem connection on the Archer by tapping on Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections icon > Add a new modem connection.
  7. Name the connection and change the modem to "Bluetooth", and then tap Next.
  8. Tap to highlight the cell phone name from the list of Bluetooth devices, and then tap Next.
  9. Leave the Country Code and Area Code as is, change the phone number to "#777", tap to change the "dialing rules", edit both the "home" and "work" rules by changing the "Dialing Patterns" to just "G" for all the call types include Local Calls, Long Distance calls, and International Calls (to prevent the Country Code and Area Code from ever being dialed before "#777"), tap OK to close the Dialing Rules, and then back on the phone number screen tap Next.
  10. Enter your User Name (such as "") and Password (such as "vzw"), leave the Domain blank (unless required by Alltel), and then tap on the Advanced button.
  11. Change the Baud Rate to "115200", uncheck the "Wait for dial tone before dialing" checkbox (unless Alltel provides a dial-tone before Bluetooth modem connections), tap OK, and then tap Finish.
  12. Confirm whether the name at the top is "My ISP" or "My Work Network", tap on the Advanced tab > Select Networks button, change both drop-down boxes in the Network Management screen to the network name you confirmed, tap OK.
  13. Tap on the Tasks tab > Manage existing connections.
  14. Confirm that your cell phone is turned on and that the Bluetooth is still enabled and Discoverable (Bluetooth on cell phones sometimes times out after a certain period).
  15. On the Field PC tap and hold the stylus on the name of your connection, and then tap Connect. A pop-up message should appear stating "Connecting to: <connection name>", "Dialing from: <network name (home or work)>", "Using: Bluetooth", "Dialing: #777" (confirm it is not dialing the country or area code) and with a Settings, Cancel, and Hide buttons at the bottom of the message.

The Field PC should connect at this point (though the connection may time out after 20 seconds). Open Internet Explorer Mobile on the Field PC (the connection will be automatically re-connected if it timed out) and go to to confirm the connection.

If your phone is turned off or the Bluetooth is disabled, the message in step 15 appears twice on the Field PC for about 5 seconds each time.

If you attempt to connect within 15 seconds of resuming or resetting the Field PC, or after the second repeated message in step 15 closes, a new message appears stating "Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer`s documentation and try again." and has a Settings and Dismiss buttons at the bottom of the message. You can try resetting the Field PC (pressing and holding the Power Button for 5 seconds) and after 15-20 seconds from when the reset completes (confirm Bluetooth is on and the Wireless Manager link is on the Today screen) repeat starting from step 13. Updating to OS release 2.1.3 (which should be available in about a week) may help (though nothing changed in regards to Bluetooth and dial-up modems, refreshing the operating system may be good).