Datalink or Lynx does not recognize COM port

27 Jun 2006

When running Datalink or Lynx in Windows XP, or when using a USB-to-Serial adapter cable, the program may fail to recognize the COM port correctly. You may see the words COM 3 or COM 4 appear twice under Comm Port Setup in either program.

If you are using Microsoft Windows XP, you can change the Windows XP Compatibility Mode to make the port appear correctly. This may also help when using a USB-to-Serial adapter. Follow these steps to make the change:

  1. Right-click on the DataLink or Lynx icon, shortcut, or on the name of the program in the Start menu > All Programs.
  2. Select Properties from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the Compatibility tab.
  4. Click on the "Run this program in compatibility mode for," checkbox.
  5. Select "Windows 98/ Windows ME" from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Apply or OK.


Open DataLink or Lynx using the modified shortcut to confirm that the serial port number appears correctly under Comm Port Setup. Also make sure you can connect to your field computer.